July 02, 2021

How To Support Your Loved One’s CBD Regimen


A strong support system is important for anyone navigating health challenges. This is true for people and pets alike.

For those using CBD oil as part of their healing journey, a few small efforts from friends and family can go a long way in making their efforts a success.

Here are some simple-yet-effective ways to help your friend, family member, or pet stay on top of his or her CBD routine for optimal results.

Encourage Professional Healthcare Guidance On CBD

CBD oil is safe for most people and pets, but it’s always best to talk to a healthcare provider before starting any new regimen.

Some people may be hesitant to discuss CBD oil with their doctors because it’s derived from cannabis. Reassure them that hemp-derived CBD is federally legal. Plus, doctors are used to hearing questions about CBD these days.

Depending on the state, there may even be a medical cannabis program your loved ones could leverage.

Veterinarians may not be able to discuss CBD or make specific recommendations due to FDA policies. But vets can often direct you to appropriate resources.

Get Clear On Desired CBD Results

Before getting started with CBD oil, help your loved ones determine the results they’d like to see from using CBD.

The more specific they can be about their CBD goals, the better. Being clear on desired outcomes can help them and you monitor progress, adjust the dosage, and recognize when it’s time to consider a new approach.

When it comes to defining what results you’d like to see from your dog’s or cat’s CBD usage, consider what would improve its quality of life.

Choose A Quality CBD Oil Product

Not all CBD is created equal. Quality matters, especially when it comes to health. To avoid chemicals and make sure they’re getting the best value, tell your friend to look for CBD that’s:

  • Made from organically-grown hemp
  • Tested by a third party with a certificate of analysis confirming its contents
  • Made using nanotechnology for maximum absorption and effectiveness

For your animals, only use a THC-free CBD product that’s formulated specifically for pets.

Set Up A Successful CBD Regimen Plan To Fit Their Lifestyle

Consistently using CBD is key for maximum results.

Humans are creatures of habit. Studies show that having a routine can help you stay focused, avoid stress, and take good care of your health, among other benefits.(1)

To set your loved ones up for a consistent CBD routine that works for them, start by looking at their existing routine. Ask them:

  • What time of day will be the best time for you to take CBD oil? For dogs and cats, ask yourself when will it work for you to give them CBD.
  • What form of CBD will work best for you? Do you prefer softgels, gummies, tinctures, or topical CBD?
  • Where can you store your CBD so you’ll remember to use it?

Use “habit stacking,” or pairing this new habit with another habit, for the best chance of success.(2)

CBD Dosage & Schedule

Finding the right dosage and schedule is also an important part of a CBD regimen. Some people take a CBD softgel once a day, while others might take a CBD gummy in the morning and CBD tincture at night.

Pick a starting point for CBD dosage and frequency — or in the case of pets, pick one for them — and observe the results. You can always adjust the dose and schedule. When in doubt, slow and steady wins the race.

Leverage automation where you can. To make continued CBD usage easier, Pure Craft offers a subscribe and save option as well as 3-packs of many products — like our nano CBD oil tinctures, gummies, softgels, and topical CBD cream. You can find the subscription option on the product pages.

Use A CBD Results Measurement System

Systems are our best friend for many things, health included! There’s an app or tool for pretty much everything these days, making it easier to gauge the success of any wellness program.

If your loved ones are using CBD for pain management, they could set a goal based on the numerical pain scale. For example, if their pain is currently a six on the pain scale, they might decide they’d like to use CBD to reduce that number. They can then reference the pain scale daily and take note of their pain levels.

When using CBD for sleep improvement, they could utilize a sleep quality app, or keep a written log of their sleep quality.

Since being in pain or discomfort can make it challenging to focus on finding solutions, you can support this process by:

  • Actively listening to their needs.
  • Suggesting tools and methods that will help them measure results.
  • Offering assistance with record keeping.
  • Offer to check in with them periodically to monitor progress.

Having a system to measure results is especially important for pets using CBD to prevent caregiver placebo effect.

Much like the placebo effect, the caregiver placebo effect makes us believe that something is working when it may not be. Or, it can be the other way around — we might think an approach isn’t working when the pet is actually feeling much better.(3) Despite our best intentions, both can be detrimental to your fur child’s health and comfort.

You might work with your veterinarian or other people in the household to get multiple opinions on the effectiveness of your pet’s CBD dosage.

Provide Continued Support

Everyone has unique needs, and those needs may evolve as health status fluctuates.

As a friend or family member, you likely have some insight into what your loved ones need to feel supported through challenges. But don’t assume you’re aware of everything they need, and don’t be afraid to periodically ask how you can best be of assistance.

For pets, reevaluate your companions' needs when they exhibit new behavior or show a change in progress.

Support + Understanding = The Best CBD Results

Healing is rarely a linear process, which can make the path mentally and physically challenging. This type of challenge may make it difficult for your loved ones to stick with their CBD routine. Being a source of unwavering encouragement, patience, and support is the best way to help your friends, pets, or relatives stay the course — and hopefully see wellness gains.



  1. (2020). The Importance of Maintaining Structure and Routine During Stressful Times. VeryWell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/the-importance-of-keeping-a-routine-during-stressful-times-4802638
  2. (2019). How to Build New Habits by Taking Advantage of Old Ones. James Clear. https://jamesclear.com/habit-stacking
  3. (2017). Consider the Caregiver Placebo Effect. The Science Dog. https://thesciencedog.com/2017/01/12/consider-the-placebo-sugar-pills-and-your-dog/


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