August 31, 2021

Creating A CBD & Meditation Ritual For Body-Mind Wellness

Meditation is an ancient practice, but it’s still very much alive today.

In fitness studios, workplaces, classrooms, and homes around the world, people sit in stillness. With each breath, they forge a deeper connection to their bodies and minds.

Or rather, they try to.

In a perfect world, you wouldn’t need any help to meditate. But busy schedules and countless distractions can make finding even a few minutes to meditate each day feel like a monumental task.

Electronic devices, aches and pains, and the many layers of stimulation associated with an “always on” social culture easily get in the way of finding a clear, calm mind.

That’s where CBD oil comes in.

Why CBD?

CBD is the abbreviation for cannabidiol, a plant-based cannabinoid found in cannabis. There are two main varieties of cannabis: hemp and marijuana. CBD is more abundant in hemp than in marijuana.

That’s great news for meditators for two reasons:

  1. Marijuana is illegal in most states, but the US government made hemp with 0.3% or less THC federally legal in 2018. That means hemp CBD oil is legal in all 50 states.
  2. CBD doesn’t get you high, so you don’t have to worry about mind-altering effects interrupting your zen.

How CBD Benefits Meditation

Depending on what challenges stand between you and your meditation practice, CBD may benefit you in different ways. People commonly start using CBD to:(1)

  • Reduce pain
  • Decrease inflammation
  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Stabilize mood
  • Sleep better

These are also some of the benefits of meditation, and popular reasons to begin or want to begin meditation.(2)

But simply sitting down and focusing on your breathing might not bring about the results you’re after. Adding CBD to your meditation practice could break down barriers that prevent you from getting the most out of the experience.

Now let’s explore the “why” behind CBD’s benefits for your mindfulness practice. Then we’ll guide you through steps for creating a CBD and meditation ritual.


The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) & The Body-Mind

The connection between the body and mind exists through the nervous system. Via neural pathways, signals are sent that ultimately affect how we feel mentally and physically.

When researchers were curious about how cannabinoids worked in the human body, they found that we have a network of receptors, enzymes, and endocannabinoids.(3) That network is now known as the ECS.

The ECS runs through the vast majority of any creature that has a backbone, including the nervous system. With a presence in the nervous system, the ECS is entangled with the body and mind.

  • The ECS is involved in key functions such as sleep, metabolism, and immune function.(4)
  • It also has more subtle duties, which ongoing research continues to uncover. For example, the ECS regulates anxiety, fear, and habits.(5)
  • A well-functioning ECS is associated with good physical and mental health.(6)

Cannabinoids such as CBD interact with the ECS. Through this internal relationship, CBD may support the ECS and its role in your wellbeing.

How To Incorporate CBD Into Your Meditation Practice

Adding CBD to meditation doesn’t have to be complicated. Many types of CBD products lend themselves well to meditation and CBD is compatible with a variety of meditation styles. So, with some thought, you can design a ritual that makes your meditation practice easier and highly personalized.

Let’s review the basic steps — then you can customize based on your needs.

Step 1: Select Your CBD

You can certainly use whatever CBD oil products you may have on hand. But having a designated CBD product for meditation can be a mental cue to get in the mindfulness zone.

Something else to consider is the experience the CBD oil product creates. For example, you might prefer a cooling peppermint CBD tincture over unflavored CBD. If you have painful areas, a gentle self-massage with a topical CBD cream may help you unwind so you can sit more comfortably.

Step 2: Prepare For Meditation

CBD takes time to take effect. A nano CBD oil, which is made with nanotechnology, is easier for the body to absorb. That means it’s faster-acting, so you won’t have to plan so far in advance.

For nano CBD, take it at least 20 minutes before you sit to meditate. For non-nano CBD, you may need to take it upwards of an hour in advance.

Topical CBD can be applied in advance, but it’s okay to use it right before meditation, too.

After taking your CBD, follow these steps to set up your meditation space.

  • Prepare your space by clearing away clutter and distractions. Looking at you, cell phone.
  • Set up a comfortable seat on the floor or in a chair, providing plenty of cushion and support.
  • Prefer to have music or a verbally-guided meditation? Get your audio ready.
  • If you like to be alerted after a specific amount of time, set a timer.
  • Consider keeping a notebook nearby so you can record your thoughts and feelings.

Step 3: Sit In A Comfortable Position

Sitting sounds simple, but it can actually take some effort to get the right position. Sitting cross-legged on the floor is “traditional,” but that isn’t comfortable for everyone.

Try using blankets, bolsters, pillows, and even chairs to find a seat where you can sit up straight for an extended period.

This might be a time when you reassess the need to apply topical CBD cream to relieve pain and tension.

Step 4: Observe Your Thoughts & Breath

Now that you’re all set up, all there is to do is sit, relax your shoulders, and observe.

Notice any thoughts that come up. Let them pass by like clouds in the sky.

Whatever comes up for you during meditation is A-OK. There isn’t a wrong way to experience meditation.

Step 5: Note Your Post-Meditation State

For those who enjoy keeping a journal, after meditation is a great time to take pen to page. If that’s not for you, simply take a moment to notice how you’re feeling now compared to before meditation.

When you’re getting started with CBD oil during meditation, you might have different experiences compared to past meditations. Keeping track of how CBD influences your meditation can help you decide how to adjust your CBD and meditation routine to work for you.

Again, these are some general suggestions. You might have other steps for creating an ideal meditation experience.

CBD & Meditation: A Beneficial Blend To Bear In Mind (& Body)

Modern-day meditators might have more distractions than any other generation. By influencing activity in the nervous system, CBD can make meditation easier.

CBD can be ingested or applied topically before meditation to help balance the body and mind.

Combined with a calm, comfortable space and any other tools you need to meditate comfortably, CBD can be part of a consistent and rewarding meditation practice.



  1. Kubala, J. (2018). 7 Benefits and Uses of CBD Oil (Plus Side Effects). Healthline.
  2. Thorpe, M, et al. (2020). 12 Science-Based Benefits of Meditation. Healthline.
  3. Moore, M. (2020). How the Endocannabinoid System Was Discovered. LabRoots.
  4. Cunha, J. (2020). What is the Function of Endocannabinoids? MedicineNet.
  5. Ruehle, S, et al. (2012). The endocannabinoid system in anxiety, fear memory and habituation. Journal of psychopharmacology.
  6. Sallaberry, C, et al. (2018). The Endocannabinoid System, Our Universal Regulator. Journal of Young Investigators.




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