January 09, 2021

Top 4 Ways To Use CBD For Max Benefit

CBD can be a truly helpful tool in self-care kit. But, you’ll only realize its beneficial effects if you actually use your CBD products. And — because we’re both creatures of habit and pretty consistently looking for the paths of least resistance — you’ll probably only stick to a CBD-supplementation regimen if you can easily dovetail it into your everyday life. Yes?

Keep reading for some ideas of how you might CBD-up your daily routine.

Benefits Of Regular CBD Usage

Before considering or committing to CBD, it’s good to know what benefits you might expect from regular usage. This might be all the fire-lighting you need to get yourself on board. (If not, we’ve got you covered — tips galore! — in the next couple sections!)

Consistent usage of your preferred CBD product may be the best way to reap maximum results. Especially if you have a chronic condition you’re trying to manage or relieve.

With that in mind, here are some perks you may experience if you develop and stick with a personal CBD program:

  • Keep your symptoms in check. You may be able to mitigate flare-ups and side-effects of your condition. CBD is a promising therapeutic companion to many treatment protocols, including for cancer and persistent pain.
  • Feel more even. You may have fewer highs and lows, and those peaks and pits may be farther between as well. CBD’s been shown to provide mood and mental health support.
  • Treat your skin. You may diminish your acne-related skin issues, thanks to CBD’s anti-inflammatory powers and ability to help regulate sebum production.
  • Protect your brain. CBD may help safeguard your neuromuscular system and treat certain disorders (e.g., epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s).

There’s a wealth of reputable research highlighting all these remarkable benefits. Additionally, new studies are underway to further support and quantify these findings as well as explore other ways CBD can benefit us.

how to take cbd oil

Top 4 Ways To Use CBD For Max Benefit

You’re a smart cookie. We all know that. (You are here stocking up on Pure Craft CBD products and useful info, after all.)

But sometimes — whether you’re new to CBD or a seasoned consumer — maybe you need some guidance or crave some fresh inspiration. Without going down the rabbit holes otherwise known as Google and Pinterest (though they are great resources!).

Or, perhaps you’re busy-busy and just don’t want to have to think about ways to work CBD into your already hectic schedule. A person can only handle so many demands on his or her mental bandwidth, right?

Not a prob. We’re here to make getting your CBD in a no-brainer. Starting with these suggestions, aka some of our favorite ways to super easily incorporate CBD into one’s day-to-day.


#1 Go Straight Up

Calling all purists! This method should ring true to your sensibilities. Simply follow the suggested directions on the product package. So: Chew your gummies. Swallow your softgels. Drip-drop your oil under your tongue.


#2 Lay It On Thick

Grab your topical cream and massage it right into your trouble spot. This rocks because it’s such a simple, straightforward and effective application approach. Your joints and muscles will be ever so grateful.


#3 Go Incognito

You’re going to down that cup of coffee or glass of H2O anyway. So go ahead and squeeze that water-soluble CBD in and glug-glug-glug away. Or, get a little more elaborate and use your CBD oil in your favorite recipes. Adding it to smoothies and other edibles is a really popular and flexible way to consume CBD. Disguising your CBD can be ideal for those who struggle with taking supplements.


#4 Inhale Deeply

CBD oil can be smoked or vaped. Some people like this method because it can produce results more quickly than CBD gummies and softgels (which have to work their way through your digestive system). Pure Crafts do not have to work there way through the digestive track since they are nanotized for 90% bioavailability

Just keep in mind that different CBD formulations, dosages and ingestion methods can have different effects on different people. It may take a little trial-and-error to hit upon the product and consumption technique that does it for you.

how to take cbd oil

More Tips To Make It Easy To Use CBD

However you decide to implement your CBD regime, it can be helpful to have strategies in place to actually make it happen. Because, you know, the best laid plans can go awry without guardrails and guidelines.

Consider these tactics for keeping your CBD protocol on track:

  • Add it to your weekly pack. If you lay out your pills and vitamins for the week in one of those handy little cases, put your gummies right into the compartments. Now you’re all set for the next seven days!
  • Create reminders. Set a recurring notification on your favorite calendar or to-do list app. This way you can get an email, text, alarm or chime to remind you to take your CBD.
  • Prep in advance. Just like you might make the tomorrow’s lunch today and tuck it into the fridge so it’s ready to go, get your CBD prepped. This could mean setting your softgel alongside your snack or adding CBD oil to your overnight oats or thermos of iced tea.
  • Keep it visible. Having your CBD product in your line of sight may be just the trigger you need. No more “out of sight, out of mind” for you. (Be sure to adhere to the proper storage recommendations, though.)
  • Get a buddy. Having an accountability partner can be terrific way to keep with your CBD program.
  • Make a note on your recipe. If you’re consuming your CBD in your foods and beverages, write down on your recipe to add CBD in.

Bottom Line

If you’re going to use CBD — which could help with all sorts of mental and physical health issues — you might as well get the most out of it. Regular usage of CBD could be the key to maximizing its benefits.

The trick is finding methods to fold CBD into your everyday routines so you don’t have think about it. To this end, you can try some effective approaches like:

  • CBD consumption method: Orally or sublingually, topically, mixed into your food and drinks, smoked or vaped
  • Creating regular usage: Advanced planning and prep, setting reminders, buddy system

Pure Craft’s CBD product line is varied and flexible enough to fit in with your needs and preferences. We’re sure you’ll find the perfect way to include our CBD oils, softgels, gummies and topicals into your self-care regimen.

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