September 13, 2021

5 Simple Lifestyle Changes That Could Replace Medicine

Our belief that only the best will do doesn’t only apply to CBD. It extends to doing the absolute best for your body and mind.

There’s no doubt — living in this time of modern medicine is a huge advantage. The average life expectancy for people around the world has more than doubled since 1900.

But banking too heavily on medical intervention may not be the best for overall health.

A study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association found that when people with cardiovascular disease started taking medication to manage their condition, they tended to slip up on healthy lifestyle habits. That led to weight gain and increased risk of complications associated with obesity.

Moral of the story? Modern medicine is miraculous, but it’s no replacement for a healthy lifestyle.

That’s a good thing, though — it means you have the power to take control of your wellbeing. By following some simple guidelines, you can feel great knowing you’re doing everything you can to live a long, healthy life.

Disclaimer: We’re not doctors, and we don’t pretend to be. What you read here is not a replacement for professional medical advice or medical treatment plans. Always consult your healthcare provider before taking CBD or starting a new diet or exercise program.

#1 Get Moving

Yep, we’re starting with the obvious — an active lifestyle. But we promise not to ask you to touch your toes. Unless you want to!

The benefits of exercise are vast, and there’s heaps of research on it. On the preventative side, it:

  • Protects against bone loss and heart disease
  • Keeps your coordination and balance in tip-top shape, preventing falls and injury

Moving your body also releases feel-good hormones, and is linked to good mental health.

When it comes to exercise as medicine, studies have shown its usefulness for managing cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

  • A review of 391 randomized controlled trials revealed that exercise has effects similar to antihypertensive medications.
  • As part of a studied Diabetes Prevention Program, 150 minutes of exercise per week helped reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 58% in people at risk for diabetes.

It turns out there's a good reason the US Center for Disease Control recommends 150 minutes of exercise per week!

Exercise doesn’t have to mean sweating through hours of fitness classes if that’s not your thing. As little as 12 minutes of exercise can be beneficial. The important thing is that you make movement a regular thing.

#2 Optimize Your Diet

Food isn’t just nourishment. It’s the oldest medicine there is!

Dietary guidelines have been a part of prevention and treatment plans for thousands of years. State-of-the-art equipment and methods have proven what traditional practitioners have known all along: That food can heal the body and mind.

The great thing about diet is that it’s completely customizable based on your preferences and your goals.

  • A plant-based diet (even one that includes some meat and dairy) has been proven to reduce blood pressure. Some studies even show it can eliminate the need for medications.
  • For some people, the ketogenic diet can stabilize blood sugar levels to the point of no longer needing prescription insulin.
  • The paleo diet improves blood pressure, cholesterol level, and insulin resistance.
  • The Mediterranean diet is associated with a reduced risk of depression.

These are just a few of the many possible diets you might follow as part of your healthy lifestyle. To eat their own! Wait—that’s not how it goes. But you catch our drift.

#3 Prioritize Sleep

There are officially four stages of sleep, but we propose a fifth: the bedtime routine.

Lack of sleep is linked to depression, heart disease, cognitive impairment, and diabetes. Sleep disorders could be to blame, but there’s a lot you can do to ensure a swift departure into dreamland before your head hits the pillow.

  • Go screen-free. Between work, school, friends, and entertainment, screen time is at an all-time high. Excessive screen time is detrimental to your mental health, and blue light from screens can affect sleep quality. The National Sleep Foundation recommends powering down at least 30 minutes before bed.
  • Block out light.Exposure to light can interfere with your body’s melatonin production. Close up curtains and turn off all lights and devices before bed. If you try that and you’re still struggling, consider trying some CBD with melatonin in the evening.
  • Avoid heavy meals before bedtime. Eating a rich meal then lying down is a recipe for indigestion. Nothing scares Mr. Sandman away like a bad case of heartburn!

Sleep might not replace a specific treatment or medicine, but there’s no doubt good sleep helps you feel better all-around. All it takes is prioritizing a little slice of time before bed and some sensible sleep hygiene tactics.

#4 Mind Your Mind

Inhale and count to five. Exhale and count to six. Relax your shoulders. Close your eyes.

Annnd you’re meditating. Pretty cool, huh?

That’s really all there is to this ancient practice. Turns out it has a positive and measurable effect on the body and mind. It’s even a part of some medical treatment plans. Here are some of the conditions and applications for this all-natural solution.

  • Pain management
  • High blood pressure
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Smoking cessation
  • Insomnia

Meditation is free and easy. Even if the list above doesn’t apply to you, it can help you be more mindful about your habits.

Why not toss the stone and see what benefits ripple your way?

#5 Incorporate CBD Oil

A little compound known as CBD’s been in the spotlight recently for a huge range of health benefits. On top of the tower of user testimonials for sleep, pain management, and more, there’s a whole world of research on the efficacy of this natural cannabis extract.

CBD research goes hand-in-hand with the discovery of the endocannabinoid system (ECS). CBD’s ability to interact with your ECS makes it applicable in a wide range of therapies. Science has uncovered dozens of health challenges that could benefit from cannabidiol — aka CBD.

Beyond the laboratory, the FDA has approved the CBD-based epilepsy medication Epdiolex for use in people with epilepsy.

A consumer survey found that CBD users sometimes replaced these medications with CBD.

  • An over-the-counter drug such as Tylenol
  • Prescription opioids
  • Prescription anti-anxiety drugs
  • Prescription sleep drugs

Add on that note, CBD can be compatible with some medical treatment plans. There’s no surprise it’s a rising wellness star.

Tips For Using CBD Oil As Part Of A Healthy Lifestyle

With so many products out there, you might wonder how to get started with CBD. Here are our fave tips for getting off on the right foot.

Healthy Habits, Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

There’s a time and a place for medical intervention. But in some cases, a healthy lifestyle can be just as powerful as a prescription. Your doctor can help you decide which lifestyle changes are right for you.

Getting back to basics with diet and exercise, sleep, mindfulness, and natural solutions — like CBD — are all great ways to take your health into your hands. Try one or all of them and feel the difference in your body and mind.


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